Voss Capital Issues Detailed Investor Presentation On Griffon Corp.
HOUSTON, Jan. 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Voss Capital, LLC ("Voss"), a significant shareholder of Griffon Corp. (NYSE: GFF) ("Griffon" or the "Company"), today announced that it has issued a detailed presentation titled "Renovating Griffon," outlining Voss's history of engagement with the Company, the ongoing issues with Griffon's conglomerate structure and corporate governance, and opportunities to create value through the addition of Voss's highly experienced candidate to Griffon Corp.'s Board of Directors.
The full presentation, Renovating Griffon, can also be found at https://static1.squarespace.com/static/61b797dab053ac4452fabd1d/t/61eadd3685c381438e1e4969/1642782009593/Renovating+Griffon+-+Voss+Capital+Presentation.pdf
Please vote on the BLUE proxy card TODAY to support the election of Voss's highly qualified nominee at the upcoming Annual Meeting.
If you have questions about the voting process or need assistance voting your BLUE proxy card, or need additional copies of the Voss Group's proxy materials, please call our proxy solicitor Saratoga at (888) 368 – 0379, (212) 257-1311or email Info@saratogaproxy.com.
Visit www.renovategriffon.com for more information. Vote on the BLUE proxy card today!
Media Contact:
Serena Koontz
Head of Investor Relations
Voss Capital, LLC
Investor Contact:
John Ferguson
Saratoga Proxy Consulting LLC
View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/voss-capital-issues-detailed-investor-presentation-on-griffon-corp-301465833.html
SOURCE Voss Capital