Klepierre LI

PAR: LI | ISIN: FR0000121964   4/02/2025
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Klépierre: Footfall Jumps 7% At Klépierre’s European Malls Over Black Friday, With A Spike Of 13.3% In France



Paris, December 9, 2024

For Klépierre, the European leader in shopping malls, the festive shopping season has gotten off to a flying start: Klépierre saw footfall soar on Black Friday and throughout the subsequent weekend.

Shoppers kicked off the festive shopping season in style across Europe. Footfall at Klépierre's European centers jumped by 7% between November 29 and December 1, 2024, versus Black Friday 2023 and the subsequent weekend (November 24 to 26, 2023), translating into some 500,000 additional visitors over the three days. This trend was especially impressive in France, where footfall soared by 13.3%1. Our shopping centers in Iberia, Italy and the Netherlands also contributed significantly to the overall rise in footfall.
Since its introduction in France a decade ago, this online sales event is now well established in the physical retail space and kicks off the festive shopping season.

Jean-Marc Jestin, Chairman of Klépierre's Executive Board, commented: The trends we are seeing over recent years confirm that physical retail is thriving, with consumers increasingly seeking a unique in-store experience that goes beyond the simple act of making a purchase. The record footfall in our centers across Europe illustrates the quality and relevance of our retail offering, which meets the expectations of our visitors while actively supporting our retailers’ development.
Our centers are more than just shopping destinations. They are places for living, where generations come together to create memories and socialize. The momentum of in-store shopping is characterized by our retailers' sales growth, which strengthens the central role they play in the local economy.

Helene Salmon, Group Head of Communications
+33 (0)6 43 41 97 18 — helene.salmon@klepierre.com
Wandrille Clermontel, Taddeo
+33 (0)6 58 53 45 91 — teamklepierre@taddeo.fr


Klépierre is the premier shopping malls specialist with an exclusive focus on continental Europe, combining property development and asset management skills. The Company’s portfolio is valued at €19.9 billion at June 30, 2024, and comprises large shopping centers in more than 10 countries in Continental Europe which together host hundreds of millions of visitors per year. Klépierre holds a controlling stake in Steen & Strøm (56.1%), one of the leading operators of shopping centers in Scandinavia. Klépierre is a French REIT (SIIC) listed on Euronext Paris and is included in the CAC Next 20 and EPRA Euro Zone Indexes. It is also included in ethical indexes, such as Euronext CAC 40 ESG, CAC SBT 1.5, MSCI Europe ESG Leaders, FTSE4Good, Euronext Vigeo Europe 120, and features in CDP’s “A-list”. These distinctions underscore the Group’s commitment to a proactive sustainable development policy and its global leadership in the fight against climate change.
For more information, please visit the newsroom on our website: www.klepierre.com/en 

1   French retailer association Alliance du Commerce reported only a 9% jump in retailer sales over the weekend compared to Black Friday last year.


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