Cathay Bank | Ucla Anderson Forecast 2022 U.s.-China Annual Economic Report Out Today
LOS ANGELES, March 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- UCLA Anderson Forecast and Cathay Bank today announced the release of the 2022 Cathay Bank | UCLA Anderson Forecast U.S.-China Annual Economic Report. This is the fifth year of the collaboration, which offers insights into the economies of the U.S. and China.
The 2022 report focuses on the recent performance of the U.S. and Chinese economies, along with an outlook on what's to come. It also looks at the U.S.-China Phase I trade agreement at its two-year anniversary and addresses the global supply chain disruption, coming to a perhaps unexpected conclusion.
In their analysis, Forecast director Jerry Nickelsburg and his co-author, economist William Yu, assume future COVID-19 variants will lessen over time. "The basic message is that, despite the disruption of the past two years and the move to more onshoring of manufacturing, global supply chains are still expanding," the report says.
"This publication provides perspective and some indication of what to expect in the coming year, particularly to those with close business ties with China," said Chang M. Liu, Cathay Bank President and CEO. "Especially during these turbulent times, it is important to stay informed to better plan for future decision-making."
The 2022 Annual Economic Report is available for download in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese on the Cathay Bank website or on the UCLA Anderson Forecast website. An update to the report will be published during the year.
About Cathay Bank
Cathay Bank, a subsidiary of Cathay General Bancorp (Nasdaq: CATY), offers a wide range of financial services through nine states in the U.S. as well as a branch in Hong Kong and representative offices in Beijing, Shanghai, and Taipei. Founded in 1962 to support Los Angeles' growing Chinese American community, in the past half century the bank has expanded and grown with its customers, providing them with the tools and services they need to achieve their goals. Learn more at
About UCLA Anderson Forecast
UCLA Anderson Forecast is an academic center at UCLA Anderson School of Management and serves as an independent economic outlook for the U.S., California and local regions. The Forecast conducts research on topics relevant to current events to provide insight to decision makers in business, academia and government. The Forecast was credited as the first major U.S. economic forecasting group to call the recession of 2001 and, in March 2020, it was the first to declare that the recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic had already begun.
About UCLA Anderson School of Management
UCLA Anderson School of Management is among the leading business schools in the world, with faculty members globally renowned for their teaching excellence and research in advancing management thinking. Located in Los Angeles, gateway to the growing economies of Latin America and Asia and a city that personifies innovation in a diverse range of endeavors, UCLA Anderson's MBA, Fully Employed MBA, Executive MBA, UCLA-NUS Executive MBA, Master of Financial Engineering, Master of Science in Business Analytics, doctoral and executive education programs embody the school's Think in the Next ethos. Annually, some 1,800 students are trained to be global leaders seeking the business models and community solutions of tomorrow.
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